Play Items
Main Image Featured Image REFILLABLE CATNIP TOYS
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● Ho hum toys? Not here. This lively set of felt
   toys packs a bit of catnip inside for playtime.

● Shapes loved by cats the world over - a cute
   mouse, a fun blue-and-yellow fish, as well as
   a plush pom pom that just invites a playful
   swipe - each with a spot for catnip inside.

● Watch your pet go into a pawing, purring
   tizzy with Kitty City all natural catnip.

● Toys are endlessly refillable whenever the
   catnip loses its magic.

Set‐up Size: Includes 4 pieces
Habits: Play

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Kitty City play toys encourage your cat to have an active lifestyle, promote exercise, and discourage boredom and destructive behavior.

We provide many different products to meet the unique characteristics
of every cat. Check out the needs this product satisfies:
Play PLAY  Playing and hunting are closely linked activities. Cats hunt for the thrill and because hunting is an essential part of their behavior. By providing cats with toys, they are encouraged to play "predator" hunting games with their "prey" or the toy you are supplying. Hunting activities keep your cat from getting bored and helps prevent unacceptable behavior to you or your home decor.

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SP0525 Main SP0525 Inset 1 SP0525 Main
SP0525 Inset 2 SP0525 Inset 3
SP0525 Inset 4
Ho hum toys? Not here. This lively set of felt toys packs a bit of catnip inside for playtime.
Shapes loved by cats the world over - a cute mouse, a fun blue-and-yellow fish, as well as a plush pom pom that just invites a playful swipe - each with a spot for catnip inside.
Watch your pet go into a pawing, purring tizzy with Kitty City all natural catnip.
Toys are endlessly refillable whenever the catnip loses its magic.
Set‐up Size: Includes 4 pieces
Habits: Play
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Where to Purchase:
Kitty City play toys encourage your cat to have an active lifestyle, promote exercise, and discourage boredom and destructive behavior.

We provide many different products to meet the unique characteristics of every cat. Check out the needs this product satisfies:
Play PLAY  Playing and hunting are closely linked activities. Cats hunt for the thrill and because hunting is an essential part of their behavior. By providing cats with toys, they are encouraged to play "predator" hunting games with their "prey" or the toy you are supplying. Hunting activities keep your cat from getting bored and helps prevent unacceptable behavior to you or your home decor.
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